Senin, 06 Juni 2016

Should Matthew Dellavedova be suspended for hitting Andre Iguodala in the groin?

Question : Should Matthew Dellavedova be suspended for hitting Andre Iguodala in the groin?

Answer : 
A : He is known for this, In Game 3 of the 2015 NBA Finals against the Golden State Warriors, Dellavedova he and Draymond Green got tangled up in the first quarter. Green knocked Dellavedova away from the action with a screen, and the Cavaliers guard responded with a low blow. This isn't the first time that Dellavedova's scrappiness has stuck out this postseason. Al Horford was ejected when Della fell into his knees and Al throw an elbow, the Hawks lost the game without their best player. He also locked his legs on Chicago's Gibson's ankle, where finally Matt was given a technical foul. watch out for him in this play off, him and Draymond may fight again like 2015 or he may break Curry's leg by falling on it.

B : They way they called it on the floor would make it impossible to do so. Personally for me I can't give him the benefit of the doubt, I think he did a good job to make it not seem intentional. I like him in the regular season but he's a dirty **** in the playoffs. 
After what he did to Taj Gibson last year I think he does it all intentionally. He wraps his legs around his and when Taj pulls his out rightfully so the reffs think it's a kick. Delly obviously did it trying to start a fight and he got rewarded by the refs and the league for not suspending him after wards. I would have banned him for the rest of the playoffs just to make an example out of him. Just stay patient and this downunder dirty player will get suspended in the finals.

C : That's accidental. Matthew Dellavedova was trying to stop Andre for making a play on the Basketball court. it's also smart to foul Andre as well into Free throw line
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